Perfect gift from me to you
Jag måste bara tipsa om ett band jag upptäckte för ett tag sedan. Dom heter Foster the people. Det började med att jag spelade någon lista där låten Pumped up kids fanns med och jag tyckte att den låten var fantastiskt bra. Då måste man ju bara lyssna på hela skivan liksom!
Postat av: Lisbeth
Yeah, I know!!! Their beat is awesome! Those three are the best from the album! And the one that follows is Call it What You Want and possibly Don't Stop (Color on the Walls). Also, the videos from their songs are weird and awesome at the same time! love your music sense! ;)
Postat av: Lisbeth
Yeah, I know! Their beat is awesome and those three songs are really good! The ones that follow them are Call it What You Want and Don't Stop (Color on the Walls).
You have great music sense! ;-)