Klockan 22 var det äntligen dags för konserten med Mando Diao. Som jag hade längtat! Och det var verkligen värt att vänta på den och åka till Schweiz för att se dem. Gud vad bra det var! Det var som att de hade en helt annan energi! Jag fick även en plats för första raden, ganska knasigt med tanke på att jag ställde mig där ca 45 min innan konserten. Det hade aldrig gått om de spelade i Sverige.

Min absoluta favoritlåt var Song for Aberdeen. Det var himla ös genom hela låten och jag har nog aldrig hört den vara så bra live som den var då. De spelade Your lovers nerve och Welcome home, luc robitaille och gjorde en fantastisk version av Mean Street.

Det var kul när Gustaf sa "Hello Schafshausen" vilket betyder fårhus. Bra koll där!

Den konserten var alla gången topp 3 jag har sett med Mando Diao och det är absolut inte sista gången jag åker utomlands på konsert eller festival!
God Knows
Welcome home, luc robitaille
Your lovers nerve
Song for aberdeen
All my senses
Down in the past
You can't steal my love
Mean street
Mr Moon
Long before Rock'n'Roll
If I don't live today, then I might be here tomorrow
Dance with somebody
Then it was time to the concert i had been longing for so long. It was totally worth it to go to Switzerland to see them since i think they had more energy there than I've seen during the last concerts in Sweden. My favorite song was Song for Aberdeen. It was amazing since they had so much energy, did an amazing version of the song and you just had to dance. The concert was absolutely among the top 3 concerts I've ever seen with Mando Diao and it was definitely not the last time I went to a concert abroad.
Then it was time to the concert i had been longing for so long. It was totally worth it to go to Switzerland to see them since i think they had more energy there than I've seen during the last concerts in Sweden. My favorite song was Song for Aberdeen. It was amazing since they had so much energy, did an amazing version of the song and you just had to dance. The concert was absolutely among the top 3 concerts I've ever seen with Mando Diao and it was definitely not the last time I went to a concert abroad.
Postat av: Inez
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah gud vad fint orkar inte riktigt.
och skojar du eller. welcome home, luc robitaille. hjääälp! bästa